Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ireland is the most Economic Option for European Students who Want an English Study Holiday this Summer

Each summer lots of Europeans take advantage of the holiday season to enjoy a vacation while also improving their English language skills for work or education purposes. And that is exactly where the DLTC English language school in Dublin, Ireland, comes in. We provide suitable English courses for teenagers and adults to help them improve their language skills and we also provide a range of leisure activities to help them enjoy their vacation time. There are many options around the world when it comes to English-speaking countries in which to learn the language but this year with the Euro currency weakening against the currencies of nearly all English-speaking countries, the best value option is Ireland.

Of course, it's not only currency exchange rates that make Ireland a great option this year. Quality English courses, wonderful and caring host families, friendly people, and stunning landscapes are some of the many things our students identify as being good reasons to study English in Ireland.

However with the US Dollar and the British Pound so strong against the Euro at the moment, the cost of a language study holiday in the US and those countries that use the Pound (Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland) will have increased at an unbelievable rate. Just on the exchange rate alone, a course in the US is going to cost nearly 25% more than last summer as the Euro dropped from a rate of 1.36 USD to 1.10 USD. Similarly a course in the UK is going to cost 13% more as the Euro has dropped from 82 pence to 72 pence in the last 12 months. So too the Australian Dollar is strengthening against the Euro so when you take into account the price of flights and the worsening exchange rate, that and other long-haul countries wouldn't be an option for most people.

So if you are or anyone you know is looking for an English language course study holiday this summer, the first thing to say to them is 'Ireland' and the second ... 'DLTC English Language School'. We're waiting for you!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Ofertas Especiales - Cursos de Inglés para Adultos Verano 2015

DLTC tiene ofertas muy especiales para nuestros ex-estudiantes y amigos que deseen asistir a nuestro Curso de verano de Inglés para Adultos 2015 - póngase en contacto con nosotros para más información: http://www.dltc.ie/es/contact_us.html

También tiene ofertas para estudiantes nuevos: http://www.dltc.ie/en/adult/prices.html

Thursday, February 5, 2015

DLTC Corsi Estivi di Inglese per Adulti nel 2015

Siamo inoltre lieti di annunciare che La Scuola di Lingua DLTC offrirà la prossima estate (2015) corsi di inglese per gli studenti di età superiore ai 18 anni nel nostro nuovo centro estivo per adulti a Dun Laoghaire. I corsi saranno dispon...ibili inizialmente a Luglio e Agosto per un minimo di 2 settimane. Il corso prevede attività pomeridiane e non, che sono opzionali. Per saperne di più informazioni: http://www.dltc.ie/en/adult/about_our_course.html.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

English Language Courses for Adults Summer 2015 - at DLTC, Dublin, Ireland

We’re delighted to announce that DLTC Language School will be offering English courses for Adults (ages 18+) this summer with activity programmes for students aged over 18 years in our new adult summer centre in Dun Laoghaire. The courses will be available initially in July and August for a minimum of 2 weeks. Just like our junior course, there will be English classes each morning (Monday-Friday) and accommodation available in host-families. There will also be an activity programme but this is optional and takes into account the fact that students will be 18 years and older and independent. See pdf for more information: http://www.dltc.ie/en/downloads/SA%20Brochure%202015%20Dublin%20-%20EN.pdf

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Youtube: Englischkursen und Freizeitaktivitäten für Teenager 2015 Irland - DLTC

Jeden Sommer bietet die DLTC English Language School (Dublin, Irland) ein interessantes Programm an Englischkursen und Freizeitaktivitäten für Teenager aus dem Ausland an, die in Irland Englisch lernen möchten. Wir bieten unsere Kursen in zwei grossartigen Standorten: Dun Laoghaire (Dublin -die Hauptstadt Irlands in der Ostküste) und Spanish Point (Clare – die Westküste Irlands). Was bieten wir? http://www.dltc.ie/de/index.html

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Englischkursen und Freizeitaktivitäten für Teenagers Irland 2015

Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitzuteilen dass, im Jahr 2015, werden wir auch einen zweiten Standort für unseren Sommer Englischkurs für Teenagers mit Aktivitäten zu Verfügung. Der zusätzliche Kurs befindet sich in Spanish Point, im Westen Irlands. Es ist einen sehr schönes Teil Irlands, am Atlantischen Ozean und 20 Minuten von den berühmten Klippen von Moher entfern. Der Kurs wird mindestens 2 Wochen zu Verfügung und die Schüler können am 13.07 oder am 27.07 beginnen. Die maximale Aufenthaltsdauer ist auch hier 2 Wochen, die Schüler, die in Irland länger blieben möchten, können sie weiteren Wochen bei unseren Kurs in Dublin (Dun Laoghaire) bleiben. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen möchten, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.